Delivery Time
Once we received your order, the standard delivery time generally will be 2 - 4 working days (depends on the country). You can get your styles even faster by using express delivery. Express orders placed before 15.00 h will be delivered on the next working day. For orders placed after 15.00 h the delivery will be delayed by one working day. The delivery time for orders that contain personalized styles take between 4 - 9 working days, as these are exclusively created for you (depends on the country).
Dispatch Partners
The following dispatch partners are available.
Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands.
To return goods free of charge, use the supplied package return sticker. If there is no return label supplied or it got damaged, please contact our customer service. You can reach our customer service via phone or E-Mail.
Order Status
All information regarding the status of your order will be sent to you via email. As a result, it is particularly important for you to ensure that you enter a current email address when you place your order with the PUMA Online Shop and that you check your emails regularly.
If you have not received an order confirmation by email after completing your order, check your spam filter before you do anything else. If the spam filter does not contain an email from the PUMA Online Shop, contact our Customer Service Hotline.
When your package is passed to the dispatch partner, you will receive a confirmation of dispatch by email. This confirmation of dispatch will contain a control number that can be used to track the status of your package online.
Links for tracking packages:
DHL packages: Enter the 12 digit DHL code and the postcode of the delivery address on the DHL website.
DHL Express packages: Enter the shipment number on the DHL Express website.
UPS packages: Please enter the control number on the UPS Website.
Delivery Address and Shipping Address
Delivery and invoice address do not need to be the same. You can have your package delivered to your work address.
Minimum Order Value
There is no minimum purchase order value.
Delivery Charges
We offer free standard shipping for order values above 75 €. A standard shipping charge of 4,95 € will be applied on order values less than 75 €. We also offer express shipping for 9,95 €.